
This is my blog

August 2020

I went to visit my Grandma's house to help my dad clear his old things out and I found my uncles old road bike. He said I could have it so I brought it back and began restoring it. I now have a beautiful 1989 Bianchi SuperLeggera and have began cycling! I'm considering joining the UCSD Cycling team to see where that leads me.

I started riding pretty seriously and I rode 45 miles to Santa Monica on a beautiful ride with my friend Kenna. I feel so alive when I ride and I would love to continue it as a hobby of mine.

I am moving back in to UCSD next week to be an RA and I am extremely excited! I cant wait to meet new people and have a place to live on campus throughout the year during this pandemic. I am extremely lucky to be able to go back to campus and I know this year is going to get better with the efforts of so many hardworking people.

July 2020

At the time of writing this I have been interning with LogiLeap for a little over a month. During that time I had the opportunity to connect with some incredible people and collaborate on an Augmented Reality application. Additionally, I singlehandedly made a time zone converstion app using SwiftUI that I am told will be published to the App Store soon! LogiLeap is an amazing company that does some amazing work and I am proud to be an intern here.

With the help of some friends, I have been able to start development of a passion project called Office Inc. which is an iOS mobile game about an average office employee who slowly uncovers the dark secrets about the company they work for. The game features a non-linear storyline and can be played dozens of times with interesting and unique endings! With the help of two of my friends, I was able to make this vision into a reality. My friend Max wrote the storylines and my friend Eric drew all illusrations by hand using Adobe Illustrator. Combined, this application may become a reality with a little more work from my friends and me.

This summer I have done some traveling to Bakersfield and San Francisco to visit my Grandmother's grave. She passed away this Spring and I was unable to go to her funeral because of Covid but I am thankful that I was able to have some sort of gathering months later. Quarentine has been a unique experience and I have used the time for self-reflection and self-improvement. I've learned so many new skills and I hope that I will come away from this summer with more passion and an even greater number of tools to achieve my dream of becoming a Software Engineer.

On a personal note, I am lucky enough to live about 2 hours away from my girlfriend and have been able to commute to visit her around once a week. She inspires me to work harder but to maintain a healthy balance of exercise, sleep, hobbies and work.